
Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

i suppose i should come up with these again. it's that time of year. i actually always do come up with a list of sorts. i just keep on forgetting what my New Year's resolutions were. it just doesn't seem that important to do the list. i will eventually do what i want to do anyway, list or no list.

but i see a point to it though -- that's why i keep making it. it brings to fore hopes and wishes, and my flaws as a person. at least i see myself and am aware enough to try to change for the better. now, if i can get the discipline and the drive to actually affect some changes. that's a different story.

freedom has always been important to me. the freedom to move -- from SF, to Asia, and now back here in Knoxville TN. the freedom to choose a good satisfying life. i've been lucky. i know there are others unlike me.

which brings me back to my list. i WILL TRY my best to fulfill it. it's the least i can do.

catch me back here in 2012. or if you're in Knoxville, TN, hit me and we'll chill at the best bars and restaurants in town.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Stuffing

.. well, actually, there was no turkey during Christmas. our family had a traditional Asian Christmas treat, roasted pig. it was done Filipino style, a suckling stuffed with herbs and spices and roasted on an open fire pit. it was awesome!

and what can i say, i pigged out during yesterday's meals: a Christmas lunch and a Christmas dinner. must say, no matter how i've gotten it in my head to take it slow, i just can't help eating. the food's so good. very different from i usually come up with everyday. i mean, how can i feast on my usual sandwiches and salads? mom said it's about that i eat 'real food.' well, i wasn't about to argue with that.

i'm back in Knoxville by tomorrow. i'll resume some pending projects and prepare for new year. it'll just be a simple celebration, one-on-one as i prefer it with my girlfriend. i will cook dinner and buy wine. we'll wait for new year. then next day, it's the New Year's Day 5k, which should be good. it's off season as far as training goes so an easy 5k should jolt me back into good running form.

of course, it will also stop making me feel like the stuffed pig that i feel like right now lol!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

so... i'm flying out tonight to be with family in San Francisco. wish me luck. i am anticipating madness! traffic will surely be gridlock, filled with people who do last minute Christmas shopping. that would have included me if i weren't flying out. and every year when i'd do that, i'd ask myself "why, Matt, why? are you a Christmas virgin?!!"

in my 20 something years of needing to go out of my way to shop -- very different from my first 10 years when things were simple and all i needed to do was make a card -- i'd be one of those scrambling for stuff to buy. i get stuff back as gifts. and in the end, it's just all about stuff. *uh oh Matt's gearing up for another emo anti-commercial Christmas blog post LOL!

seriously, this Christmas is good and it's not because of the gifts i got (or will get). i had my Christmas dinner with my girlfriend. she loved the restaurant and the wine and the love. as gift, i gave her gym gloves (yes, how romantic). i spent a day with her family. we went ice skating and well, my butt still hurts. i think they like me. yes!

i also came out to my girlfriend -- that i was a nudist and is a member of Funtime Getaways. she was so cool with it and i'm relieved. it's a simple lifestyle preference and still i sometimes feel i may receive some negative feedback about it. i can only imagine what gay people feel when coming out about their sexuality. my nudist preference should pale in comparison. anyway, i'm happy my gf's so cool. when the season's good and it's not too nippy out, i'd probably bring her to camp....

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Ham in Tennessee

i have one assignment for my Christmas meal with my family in San Francisco, that's to bring the Christmas ham. folks there have heard about Benton's Hams, which is legendary in Knoxville, and the whole of Tennessee for that matter. i've read that even top chefs in New York use Benton's Hams to highlight their signature dishes. me, i just love to eat it, as is, or maybe with a side dish or two. if i ever use these hams to top soups and all those, i'd just end up overtopping them lol.

so.. farmer's market last weekend and it's all ready. awful hard fighting the smell though. through the box, from the ride to the market to home, i can smell the smoked meat. it's overpower and tempting the hell out of me. i'd to summon my utmost self-control to resist feasting on it.

the downside with these Benton's Hams though is the salt. i'm sensitive to salt and normally don't want too much of it on my food. it's just that with the hams, the goodness overcomes me and i eat. i just suffer from the salt after. oh well.

people do tend to let go a bit during the holidays anyway. i'm sure by january, i'd be scrambling to get rid of what came off my excesses. i don't mind. i like the challenge.... except for this ham in here. i'm toughing it out... i can do this! i can do this!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Panic

ohhhkay. how many of you are in a state of panic? (i just raised both hands and feet) gaaahhh! why does this season have to be about buying?! the least thing i'd like to do is shop. if i can find a place where all i need is in one spot -- in color variations that i'd like -- i'd be a happy man. if you can throw in a complimentary massage with that, great!

it is so stressful just preparing for christmas. i had a great plan yesterday for my girlfriend and i. that's still a go. at least i remembered to book our dinner. it's a table near the toilet but that's better than nothing. the pièce de résistance is at home: pretty steep priced (for me) bottle of red wine. and yeah, i booked the flowers too. who would've thought prices would double?

anyway, it's the thought, right?

it's the thought... and it's the traffic, and the jumping around from mall to mall just to get the best gift. like i said, i'm not much of a shopper but i did go out of my way to walk around ALL of West Town Mall and Turkey Creek. that was for two straight days and it felt worse than my Cross Fit training. i am tired. i maxed out my credit card.

upside: i'm done shopping

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Girlfriend Christmas Gift

is it bad that i had to go online to look up 'girlfriend gift ideas' just so i get some idea what to get my girlfriend this christmas? *ducks from flying grandma panties and cookware

so... scouring the web, look at what i found:
1. WineRack Sports Bra: how awesome is that?! no more boring movie dates! or boring wait at the doctor's office! winerack on her rack! lol!

2. Science Quiz Clock: yes, oddly, this falls under girlfriend gift ideas. i'm quite surprised. isn't this a gift for those who are not likely to have girlfriends? or those who'd rather fall asleep when they have girlfriends right beside them? or whatever. don't know where i'm going with this and i'm actually interested in getting one for myself.

3. I Can't Promise Sign: or how about this? it's actually quite nice when you read it. initial impression though isn't. it doesn't help that the font size is quite small.

of course, i may not be looking at the best online gift shop. it's on google's first page so kudos to their seo efforts.

but seriously, here's my plan. since i won't be spending christmas day with her, i will have the 23rd, friday, as our christmas date.
-- flowers from The Flower Pot
-- dinner at Nama Sushi Bar
-- and a bottle of L'Ecole No 41 Columbia Valley Merlot 2006 from Turkey Creek Wine and Spirits at my place

Now how about that?!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Knoxville Christmas Shopping

don't know about you but i feel like Christmas is about to run me over. it's just 10 days away. people are shopping. people are busy. it's beginning to get clogged on the streets. and i'm here, waiting till the last minute, unmoving. deer, headlights. uh oh.

i will be spending a few days in Knoxville with my girlfriend and her family, and then i'll fly off to spend christmas day with my family in SF. the only thing i've done to prepare for this is book my tickets with American Airlines. that's it. no gifts. nothing packed yet. i don't think i've even filed for a holiday leave yet.

and yes, this is my season to not get excited about the season. something about it absolutely kills it. all that shopping, all that frenzy. and what for? i bet we've forgotten what for.

remember the incidents during thanksgiving where shoppers peppersprayed other shoppers because they want to get to the "stuff" first? it's thanksgiving for pete's sake! and christmas -- i bet there'd be similar incidents. the spirit of it all is lost in this highly consumerist society.

and yeah, i still have no idea what to get my folks, and my bro who i'll be getting together with for the first time after years. i want to give them the best -- and something they'd really appreciate. ideas anyone?

check this out: Christmas Shopping Tips from a Pro. no matter how many times i'd read something like this, i'm still lost.

maybe online shopping's the best way to go. Here? then maybe have it delivered to SF. hmmmmmmmmm hmmm hmmm

Knoxville Holidays on Ice

yes, i'm still on that... Knoxville Holidays on Ice with my girlfriend of one month's folks. i'm not sure it's the best idea. would appreciate other suggestion.

you see, they're Asian migrants who lived and stayed in Hawaii for two decades. this is one of the few times they are visiting mainland US, just to be with their daughter for Christmas. and guess who's coming along? her hairy white dude boyfriend...

i'm not really built for ice; or gliding on ice, to be more precise. i spent a good amount of my adult years in california where it's sunny and there's no ice to glide on. i did my gliding on shiny marble floors, looking at stuff i can't afford. lol.

i can imagine myself falling on my ass several times during this proposed trip. i've warned my girlfriend about this. it would be one of the most humiliating 1st impressions ever. imagine if they will actually become my parents-in-law (not that i'm thinking about it).

anyway... i'm still trying to keep things cool. hey, maybe the Knoxville Holidays on Ice isn't such a bad idea. ice=cool? yeah, right. it'd be great if i can just bring them to Funtime Getaways with me. i haven't even brought my girlfriend yet... (and we are not yet exclusive anyway.... or so i think.)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas in Knoxville

Ohhhkay... it's been a while. it just got so crazy-busy at the office, as well as my 'real' life that i haven't had the time to check. even my facebook friends have been popping up on my wall, wondering if i'm still alive lol!

the busy is a good kind of busy. work's work and it's great. i've also been dating that girl from the gym, D. it's getting a bit serious and i'm going with the flow. not sure if this is what i want or not but i am enjoying the company. she is a lot of fun, and we connect on so many levels.

her parents are coming over for Christmas, which is kinda what's freaking me out. wow, it's that serious, eh? i'm meeting her parents!

it's a big step for me. it's only been about a month of dating so... but, fingers crossed, i'll get through it without panicking and doing what i'm apt to do, which is begin fighting with her and ending what's only beginning. i just have to stay cool.

it's only a day, anyway, right? i've actually began to research on some stuff to do for that day. I'm thinking Holiday on Ice, which seems a bit off for seniors but hey, they're from Hawaii. they might enjoy some ice. and then a stroll through the Holiday Festival of Lights at The Cove at Concord Park. Dinner will probably be at Calhoun's On The River (where else?!)... i'm tempted to go Chinese since they are 2nd generation Chinese but it just makes them harder to please, i guess.

wish me luck! (mostly about me keeping my cool lol!)