
Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

i suppose i should come up with these again. it's that time of year. i actually always do come up with a list of sorts. i just keep on forgetting what my New Year's resolutions were. it just doesn't seem that important to do the list. i will eventually do what i want to do anyway, list or no list.

but i see a point to it though -- that's why i keep making it. it brings to fore hopes and wishes, and my flaws as a person. at least i see myself and am aware enough to try to change for the better. now, if i can get the discipline and the drive to actually affect some changes. that's a different story.

freedom has always been important to me. the freedom to move -- from SF, to Asia, and now back here in Knoxville TN. the freedom to choose a good satisfying life. i've been lucky. i know there are others unlike me.

which brings me back to my list. i WILL TRY my best to fulfill it. it's the least i can do.

catch me back here in 2012. or if you're in Knoxville, TN, hit me and we'll chill at the best bars and restaurants in town.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Stuffing

.. well, actually, there was no turkey during Christmas. our family had a traditional Asian Christmas treat, roasted pig. it was done Filipino style, a suckling stuffed with herbs and spices and roasted on an open fire pit. it was awesome!

and what can i say, i pigged out during yesterday's meals: a Christmas lunch and a Christmas dinner. must say, no matter how i've gotten it in my head to take it slow, i just can't help eating. the food's so good. very different from i usually come up with everyday. i mean, how can i feast on my usual sandwiches and salads? mom said it's about that i eat 'real food.' well, i wasn't about to argue with that.

i'm back in Knoxville by tomorrow. i'll resume some pending projects and prepare for new year. it'll just be a simple celebration, one-on-one as i prefer it with my girlfriend. i will cook dinner and buy wine. we'll wait for new year. then next day, it's the New Year's Day 5k, which should be good. it's off season as far as training goes so an easy 5k should jolt me back into good running form.

of course, it will also stop making me feel like the stuffed pig that i feel like right now lol!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

so... i'm flying out tonight to be with family in San Francisco. wish me luck. i am anticipating madness! traffic will surely be gridlock, filled with people who do last minute Christmas shopping. that would have included me if i weren't flying out. and every year when i'd do that, i'd ask myself "why, Matt, why? are you a Christmas virgin?!!"

in my 20 something years of needing to go out of my way to shop -- very different from my first 10 years when things were simple and all i needed to do was make a card -- i'd be one of those scrambling for stuff to buy. i get stuff back as gifts. and in the end, it's just all about stuff. *uh oh Matt's gearing up for another emo anti-commercial Christmas blog post LOL!

seriously, this Christmas is good and it's not because of the gifts i got (or will get). i had my Christmas dinner with my girlfriend. she loved the restaurant and the wine and the love. as gift, i gave her gym gloves (yes, how romantic). i spent a day with her family. we went ice skating and well, my butt still hurts. i think they like me. yes!

i also came out to my girlfriend -- that i was a nudist and is a member of Funtime Getaways. she was so cool with it and i'm relieved. it's a simple lifestyle preference and still i sometimes feel i may receive some negative feedback about it. i can only imagine what gay people feel when coming out about their sexuality. my nudist preference should pale in comparison. anyway, i'm happy my gf's so cool. when the season's good and it's not too nippy out, i'd probably bring her to camp....

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Ham in Tennessee

i have one assignment for my Christmas meal with my family in San Francisco, that's to bring the Christmas ham. folks there have heard about Benton's Hams, which is legendary in Knoxville, and the whole of Tennessee for that matter. i've read that even top chefs in New York use Benton's Hams to highlight their signature dishes. me, i just love to eat it, as is, or maybe with a side dish or two. if i ever use these hams to top soups and all those, i'd just end up overtopping them lol.

so.. farmer's market last weekend and it's all ready. awful hard fighting the smell though. through the box, from the ride to the market to home, i can smell the smoked meat. it's overpower and tempting the hell out of me. i'd to summon my utmost self-control to resist feasting on it.

the downside with these Benton's Hams though is the salt. i'm sensitive to salt and normally don't want too much of it on my food. it's just that with the hams, the goodness overcomes me and i eat. i just suffer from the salt after. oh well.

people do tend to let go a bit during the holidays anyway. i'm sure by january, i'd be scrambling to get rid of what came off my excesses. i don't mind. i like the challenge.... except for this ham in here. i'm toughing it out... i can do this! i can do this!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Panic

ohhhkay. how many of you are in a state of panic? (i just raised both hands and feet) gaaahhh! why does this season have to be about buying?! the least thing i'd like to do is shop. if i can find a place where all i need is in one spot -- in color variations that i'd like -- i'd be a happy man. if you can throw in a complimentary massage with that, great!

it is so stressful just preparing for christmas. i had a great plan yesterday for my girlfriend and i. that's still a go. at least i remembered to book our dinner. it's a table near the toilet but that's better than nothing. the pièce de résistance is at home: pretty steep priced (for me) bottle of red wine. and yeah, i booked the flowers too. who would've thought prices would double?

anyway, it's the thought, right?

it's the thought... and it's the traffic, and the jumping around from mall to mall just to get the best gift. like i said, i'm not much of a shopper but i did go out of my way to walk around ALL of West Town Mall and Turkey Creek. that was for two straight days and it felt worse than my Cross Fit training. i am tired. i maxed out my credit card.

upside: i'm done shopping

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Girlfriend Christmas Gift

is it bad that i had to go online to look up 'girlfriend gift ideas' just so i get some idea what to get my girlfriend this christmas? *ducks from flying grandma panties and cookware

so... scouring the web, look at what i found:
1. WineRack Sports Bra: how awesome is that?! no more boring movie dates! or boring wait at the doctor's office! winerack on her rack! lol!

2. Science Quiz Clock: yes, oddly, this falls under girlfriend gift ideas. i'm quite surprised. isn't this a gift for those who are not likely to have girlfriends? or those who'd rather fall asleep when they have girlfriends right beside them? or whatever. don't know where i'm going with this and i'm actually interested in getting one for myself.

3. I Can't Promise Sign: or how about this? it's actually quite nice when you read it. initial impression though isn't. it doesn't help that the font size is quite small.

of course, i may not be looking at the best online gift shop. it's on google's first page so kudos to their seo efforts.

but seriously, here's my plan. since i won't be spending christmas day with her, i will have the 23rd, friday, as our christmas date.
-- flowers from The Flower Pot
-- dinner at Nama Sushi Bar
-- and a bottle of L'Ecole No 41 Columbia Valley Merlot 2006 from Turkey Creek Wine and Spirits at my place

Now how about that?!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Knoxville Christmas Shopping

don't know about you but i feel like Christmas is about to run me over. it's just 10 days away. people are shopping. people are busy. it's beginning to get clogged on the streets. and i'm here, waiting till the last minute, unmoving. deer, headlights. uh oh.

i will be spending a few days in Knoxville with my girlfriend and her family, and then i'll fly off to spend christmas day with my family in SF. the only thing i've done to prepare for this is book my tickets with American Airlines. that's it. no gifts. nothing packed yet. i don't think i've even filed for a holiday leave yet.

and yes, this is my season to not get excited about the season. something about it absolutely kills it. all that shopping, all that frenzy. and what for? i bet we've forgotten what for.

remember the incidents during thanksgiving where shoppers peppersprayed other shoppers because they want to get to the "stuff" first? it's thanksgiving for pete's sake! and christmas -- i bet there'd be similar incidents. the spirit of it all is lost in this highly consumerist society.

and yeah, i still have no idea what to get my folks, and my bro who i'll be getting together with for the first time after years. i want to give them the best -- and something they'd really appreciate. ideas anyone?

check this out: Christmas Shopping Tips from a Pro. no matter how many times i'd read something like this, i'm still lost.

maybe online shopping's the best way to go. Here? then maybe have it delivered to SF. hmmmmmmmmm hmmm hmmm

Knoxville Holidays on Ice

yes, i'm still on that... Knoxville Holidays on Ice with my girlfriend of one month's folks. i'm not sure it's the best idea. would appreciate other suggestion.

you see, they're Asian migrants who lived and stayed in Hawaii for two decades. this is one of the few times they are visiting mainland US, just to be with their daughter for Christmas. and guess who's coming along? her hairy white dude boyfriend...

i'm not really built for ice; or gliding on ice, to be more precise. i spent a good amount of my adult years in california where it's sunny and there's no ice to glide on. i did my gliding on shiny marble floors, looking at stuff i can't afford. lol.

i can imagine myself falling on my ass several times during this proposed trip. i've warned my girlfriend about this. it would be one of the most humiliating 1st impressions ever. imagine if they will actually become my parents-in-law (not that i'm thinking about it).

anyway... i'm still trying to keep things cool. hey, maybe the Knoxville Holidays on Ice isn't such a bad idea. ice=cool? yeah, right. it'd be great if i can just bring them to Funtime Getaways with me. i haven't even brought my girlfriend yet... (and we are not yet exclusive anyway.... or so i think.)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas in Knoxville

Ohhhkay... it's been a while. it just got so crazy-busy at the office, as well as my 'real' life that i haven't had the time to check. even my facebook friends have been popping up on my wall, wondering if i'm still alive lol!

the busy is a good kind of busy. work's work and it's great. i've also been dating that girl from the gym, D. it's getting a bit serious and i'm going with the flow. not sure if this is what i want or not but i am enjoying the company. she is a lot of fun, and we connect on so many levels.

her parents are coming over for Christmas, which is kinda what's freaking me out. wow, it's that serious, eh? i'm meeting her parents!

it's a big step for me. it's only been about a month of dating so... but, fingers crossed, i'll get through it without panicking and doing what i'm apt to do, which is begin fighting with her and ending what's only beginning. i just have to stay cool.

it's only a day, anyway, right? i've actually began to research on some stuff to do for that day. I'm thinking Holiday on Ice, which seems a bit off for seniors but hey, they're from Hawaii. they might enjoy some ice. and then a stroll through the Holiday Festival of Lights at The Cove at Concord Park. Dinner will probably be at Calhoun's On The River (where else?!)... i'm tempted to go Chinese since they are 2nd generation Chinese but it just makes them harder to please, i guess.

wish me luck! (mostly about me keeping my cool lol!)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Krutch Park tonight

was just at Market Square before I decided to "linger" a bit at Krutch Park for some me-time. i get this way especially after a busy day at work. i want to shut down -- switch off -- and just disconnect. it gets harder and harder to do that these days. it's hard to get away.

i mean, for me, it's hard to unhook. i feel some guilt turning off my cellphone -- i can't remember the last time i did. i check emails constantly. i check my facebook and google plus. i do all these things to stay connected. it usually gnaws at me when i'm not, as if i'm missing out on something.

with cellphones and emails, it's usually about work. i can't miss out on that, right? although, during official vacation time, like the one i had just a week ago, i try to. i remember still checking my work email at night. it's good that no one at work tried to reach me on my cell though. i'm with a good company and they let me be, during my days off.

still. the walk through Krutch Park did me some good. it's been crazy at work. i swear, when i close my eyes, i can still see my computer monitor blinking, processing.... at least, at the park, i was able to resist the urge to check on stuff, and get online. i just sat there for a few minutes, watching people.

i work online. i've an active online life. but i've been able to retain a genuine fascination for real life. i can get drawn into the most mundane things. i like observing people and wondering about there lives. i am grateful that i can still do this, despite the overly engrossing online reality we have these days.

anyway, i'm babbling. it's time to get some shut-eye now.

Tower Heist in Knoxville

i miss going to the movies. netflix is just too convenient... but i'll go soon. i'm thinking of getting off netflix anyway. it's not like i watch these movies over and over again. plus, i don't have much time now, with work and all that's on my plate.

tower heist is on my list of to-watch though. ben stiller's a hoot -- loved him since i saw him on Reality Bites. now, Reality Bites is not even a comedy (it could be, if you look at it my way ;). that's also where i first saw Janeane Garofalo, who i've missed. loved her more when she wasn't as skinny as now though. i mean, healthy is great. just somehow, her skinniness takes away some of her "bite." but hey -- whatever floats my/her boat, right?

anyway, back to tower heist, i'm hoping it'll be a riot like Tropic Thunder, the last Stiller movie i saw. i think that Focker movie (Little Fockers?) came after. the reviews for that one weren't so good so I didn't bother.

plus, an additional incentive for Tower Heist is the theme. i'd like to see how the writers, director and actors handled a very current theme; that of the "unpowerful" masses taking on the big fish. the Occupy Wall Street movement is actually quite close to home. i've no complaints about where i work. i think the bosses here have been fair to employees and such. however, it is true that greed has been exaggerated by the powerful to the detriment of the less privileged. our life is our own doing, sure... but i think controls (personal and institutional) are necessary. greed and the urge to acquire are all too human, and somehow too addicting.

whew. now, for less serious matters... it's a date at the Regal Riviera over at South Gay Street with my favorite gym buddy this Friday. this'll be our first real date so wish me luck!

Monday, November 14, 2011

the turkey and the single guy

i've been single for a couple of years now, and i feel it more during the holidays. like the coming thanksgiving, for instance. i will not have time to be with family this thanksgiving. besides, they have moved to paradise -- the Philippines -- enjoying life by the beach. i think it's more than 24 hours just for me to fly over there, and they don't have turkey so no... i'm holding off on a pacific-style holiday till Christmas. i hear Christmas is a lot of fun there.

anyway, that leaves me with just me this thanksgiving. a few of my buddies might be free too. we should actually have some club by now -- a no-fighting version of the fight club: you know, for angst-ridden corporation-employed guys. anyway, at least our jobs afford us the creature comforts we sometimes take for granted. and i'm pretty sure our thanksgiving will be a belly-full.

i'm actually just thinking of booking a slot with one of the Knoxville restaurants that will be open next holiday weekend. i hear of three: Shoney's, Calhoun's, and Ruth's Chris Steak House. It's actually more between Shoney's and Ruth's Chris. i've gone to Calhoun's several times already, i'm ODing on Calhoun's lol. So, it's between Shoney's buffet and Ruth's Chris' four-course meal.

and if we're going to stuff ourselves, i'm inclined to do with the buffet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

veterans day

veterans day today but i will be working for the most part. i used up some holiday days just for my dive trip to the Florida Keys. it's alright though. i kinda miss my work.

i will likely head out for an early lunch to catch the Veterans Parade on Gay St. just to show my support. it's the least I can do. i have some thoughts about all this hoopla, the Veterans day holiday and all, plus the freebies that come with it. Applebees and other local shops and restaurants are giving veterans discounts on this day. i think that's cool. our soldiers and veterans deserve to be thanked.

however, i think it should go beyond one day... and shouldn't be just about qualifying for free food and drinks, and all. i think more benefits and incentives should be extended to them and their families. after all, they are risking their lives for national security. these veterans and their families need to have some form of "security" given back to them.

where to start, i really don't know. i'm just saying. plus, given the present economic situation, it may be a bit hard to find funding for this. in time, i hope we can...

Thursday, November 10, 2011


i probably reek of fish by now. spend about four days by the sea, from a nice quaint resort in Marathon, Florida, which is on the Florida Keys. i'm a rescue diver who's been away from the water for so long. it is so nice to get into my fins again and dive and snorkel.

this is my first solo trip since a long time ago, and it couldn't have come in a better time. i've been oversaturated by work, buddies and the usual sprees we'd have in Knoxville. it's all good but it can get monotonous. i need a break from routine every now and then. this planned trip couldn't have come at a better time.

sorta wished i could've brought "someone" though... yeah, that girl from the gym. thought about her some while on this trip. i am actually quite curious about where this is going. i called her before i left and we arranged for another date -- a real date, with a nice dinner and all -- when i get back. i like talking to her and we seem to want the same things.... and she's hot and great in bed! lol!

i had a great time while in the Keys. the diving was great even though it's a bit cold right now. saw a couple of turners, and schools of groupers, angel fishes and the like. i did two dives. one at coffins patch reef, the other at Thunderbolt Wreck. both awesome. no sharks though. been wanting to see sharks...

anyway, it feels good to have had this time for myself. i indulged in my favorite sport, and ate some of the best seafood in the world. i still couldn't get enough of 'em crabs! now, it's back to work. good morning, everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2011

to woo or not to

so ok... after an awesome night last night, i haven't called her again. not yet. i like her a lot, and we've slept together. so... do the rules still apply? should i woo? (because, i'd be glad to.) should i give her some space and not call too soon? is a Wahoo weekend too soon? is a weekend too long? is a short trip, such as to the ziplines at Sevierville, too much? or am i just complicating things?

(i'm pretty sure though that an invitation to Funtime Getaways would be too much. even though we've been intimate and all, being buck naked with strangers is a different experience. not everyone may get into it. i'd have to fish around for that first -- once i get another date.)

i will go ahead with my Friday night plans -- heading out alone to The Square Room. it's something i do for myself even if it's a Friday night and most likely, everyone would be with their friends. that's ok. i make friends at the bar. and i don't mean just my drinks. lol

i'm really looking forward to the weekend. no Wahoo trip yet but i will spend extra days off cruising the beaches of Florida. it will be a bit cold, and not exactly the prime time to hit the beach but i welcome this escape. i'll think about my stuff. i'll think about her and what to do next.... i do want to get to know her more.... when i come back from me-time :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

good morning!

good morning everyone! guess who got lucky last night?!!!!

hahah well, i'm no kiss and tell. i'll tell you this though: it was awesome!

remember that crush i've been telling you about at Crossfit KTown? well, i was there last night and so was she. i brought it last night and so did she. LOL

but seriously, we worked out together a bit, and invited each other to a meal right after. we talked, spent a couple of hours at Savelli's Italian Restaurant, with our pasta and pizza and bottle of wine. and she was just awesome. it's been a while since i've been enamored like this but i am.

she's quite a health nut and does yoga and biking in between crossfit training. she's a struggling artist who's lived in NY and LA. she does visuals, mostly -- takes photos and has begun to do her dream project, a documentary about her homeland. and i think she likes me.

anyway, we ended up going to Maplehurst Inn, that bed and breakfast near the Tennessee River. i sort of know Sonny, the owner and host. i've met him a couple of times with common friends. anyway, it was an awesome night.

breakfast was at the inn, although i was tempted to suggest IHOP, which is bad since i'm watching what i eat... but, i was at this feel-good state. i can use some of their hotcakes!

well.. yeah, ok... i don't want to overdose on hotcakes ;) wish me luck :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Market Square, Knoxville

this place is probably sick of me by now. Market Square refers to a commercial district in Knoxville, where there are mainly shops and restaurants/bars, as well as a couple of hotels. it's a trendy place and i've been a mainstay for the past two days -- not that i'm trendy or trending... it's just convenient for me. it's not the best fit as i'm sort of into the Bohemian vibe. but it's ok... it's so ok, it's good ;)

i scoured the shops there for my Halloween goodies. my friends and i also ended up doing our post-Halloween get-togethers (yes, plural... i went to more than one) there. it's all good...

anyway, it might be too early to plan but i'm thinking of heading to The Square Room or the Preservation Pub this Friday. i'm thinking of going alone. i overdosed on people for the past two weeks. it was a lot of fun but i do need some alone time. i need to regroup, and enjoy my own company. music helps. The Square Room and Preservation Pub are favorite places for this. The Square Room features more established acts, such as Imogen Heap, David Cook and Amy Grant. Preservation Pub seems more like the touchstone for bands and club acts. they even have a Singer Songwriter Night "Now it's your turn..." Night. i hope friday night's NOT one of

i do like my time alone in these pubs. i get to meet new people, some of which have become good friends. for real alone time, i actually head to Krutch Park, which happens to be right next to Market Square. there are some foot traffic here but i get my moments. i'd just like to sit out, observe and think...


i put in a little more effort on the goodies this year, not my costume. like i wrote yesterday, i just wore black. i'm the pointless exclamation point!

anyway, it wasn't the case with the candies and adult goodies though. i bought candies to give out from Mast General Store, some taffies, nougats and candy bars. however, for the discerning "adult," i got treats from South's Finest Chocolate Factory. some friends were over so I also made a huge pot of pasta -- just my specialty marinara sauce and meatballs.

relearned how to make meatballs actually. i saw this clip by an Italian chef on how you cook meatballs in the traditional Italian way. so, i tried it and it was a success. that recipe will become a menu mainstay.

of course, no party's complete without the booze. i'd pre-ordered a couple of kegs from Downtown Grill and Brewery, then got a few bottles of vodka and mixers.

pizza was in the house too. a few boxes were delivered just in time.

with the booze, pasta, pizza, and chocolates, you bet Halloween was happy. see you guys next year!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

the simple life

so... this weekend was great, and we didn't get piss drunk like the last time. just had the right kind of buzz. and i really enjoyed the beers i tried, especially those from Asheville Brewing Company. of course, there's something about mixing your drinks, even when i technically drank the same kind -- beer. somehow, it still gave me a slight headache, the same way drinking wine and beer, or beer and hard liquor on the same night would. mixing gives me the worse hangovers if i drink too much. i don't really get why. we imbibe the same thing, right? alcohol? anyway...

next day's fishing tour went great. i caught the biggest trout. between the guys and i (total:5), we caught 6 trouts, which we immediately grilled for lunch. felt great to just get out and enjoy the simple things in life. even the grilling was simple. we cleaned the fish, rubbed salt and pepper on it, and tossed it on top of the griller. we chased chunks of fish with warm beer, bought from last night's brewers. yes, this is the life...

we just got back into Knoxville a while ago. i am now putting together a last minute costume for our office's Halloween party. the year before, i went as a rejected transformer (over toaster LOL). that took time to prep. this year, with absolutely nothing useful in my closet, i'm thinking of just an all-black ensemble. i'd either be a shadow, or an exclamation without a point lol.

this actually reminds me of a question posted on my facebook: will a good suit get you laid. the most liked answer was: a birthday suit will. well, i might get to test that soon. bonded with my bros for two weekends now. i think i'll spend time with the good people at Funtime Getaways next.

Friday, October 28, 2011

pre-Halloween Road Trip

starting my morning with this blog. had a late night at work yesterday but it was great. i was able to accomplish a lot of pending stuff. and now, it's Friday, the weekend beckons.

and, as much as i want to Wahoo this weekend, it's not going to happen yet. i'm reserving that trip for a special girl -- when i find her -- lol. this weekend, the guys and i are going on a road trip. of course, 2 hours hardly qualifies as road trip but hey, i'll take what i can get. we're going to Asheville, NC for wine tasting. oops, make that beer "tasting."

i do not foresee this as another drunken debacle like last weekend. i know days before, i'd come off like a character from the Hangover. we are seldom like that actually. we drink our beers like gentlemen and pass out like gentlemen LOL.

but seriously, this'll be a good time with close friends. i've lined up three breweries, and we really will savor our beers. we'll drink, and talk some. there's a band playing in one of the breweries i picked so we might give them a listen.

Here's my list:
1. Green Man Brewery: one of the oldest breweries in Asheville, i'm going to try their Porter and Stout. i'm also curious about their Rainmaker Double IPA. i'll try that too if it's available

2. French Broad Brewing Co.: apart from my liking the name, there's music this Saturday night. their 13 Rebels ESB is a favorite.

3. Asheville Brewing Company: will go for stout again here, with their Scout Stout. then i'll have a Shiva, which is their flagship beer. of course, we wouldn't miss out on their King Kong Wings.

now, that's about it. end of Saturday, we'd check into a motel. and no, no getting naked. unthinkable with the bunch of guys i'm with, yuck! i haven't even gotten them into Funtime Getaways, and i've known them for years. we've arranged for some fly fishing with the Asheville Drifters the next day... then we'll be back in Knoxville for Halloween.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

sweet day in Knoxville

the office had a surprise treat today, care of our boss: a box of cupcakes from Confectionista's Kitchen! yey! felt like a kid again. i've a weakness for cream cheese icing, i just have to stay away. i think i've gained some pounds already.

yeah yeah. i was all athletic in my last blog. i just couldn't help that my jeans felt tighter around my midsection today. i don't know if it's age, water-retention or that kegger last weekend. i just feel bloated. and all this whining while i munch on an angry bird cupcake. fittingly, i got one with a pig on top.

well anyway. life's for enjoying, all with limitations, of course. i like to eat. it's a good thing i've made it a habit to workout. else, i'd be huge right now.

that's one of the best things about Knoxville, actually. the food!

first of, we have our barbecues. my favorite is Calhoun's of course. but options do not end there. there's Famous Dave's, M&M, and so much more. chinese here is great too. Szechuan Garden is probably the best. and who could miss PF Chang's.

And well.. I can go on about food. I'd just get hungry.... and it all began with one cupcake. LOL

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

midday rush

i escaped the office for a couple of hours midday today to swim and shoot some hoops at the Davidson Community Center. i like doing that -- getting off my seat and getting physical, then coming back to work. it actually energizes me, and gets me prepped for more work. i know that sounds weird. sleep would be the more logical aftermath of something like that. of course, there's the office coffee to help me along.

i'm to work on my speed. i haven't done and triathlons but i want to. plus, it's a good activity on rest days. it pumps me up but isn't as physically stress full like my other activities. the Fleet Feet Sports Double is in December; and i've registered to join. no swim here though. just run and bike.

the pool at the center is quite ok. my trunks were killing me though. i don't know. either i've put on some pounds or i'm just itching to get them off. i'm a devout nudist after all LOL! Funtime Getaways will have an activity soon. i'm sure to join :)

monday's beer musings

monday's the busiest day at the office. there's the backlog from last week to take care of, plus new stuff that have come up over the weekend. seems like i've endless updates to this system i'm working on. i don't see the end in sight. the good thing is that it's work that i'm interested in. i'm not the best (not yet, at least, lol) but i'm working on it, and learning along the way. i suppose that's what keeps me going.... even when today started with a humongous headache. must be from the kegger this weekend. oy, i am getting old.

when i was in college (that's about 20 years ago), i used to bounce back up right after beer binges. all i need is 6 hours of sleep to shake of the drunk. now, give me that 6 hours, plus a couple for hurling and groaning, then 2 more hours for naps.

my tastes have changed too. in the past, all i knew was to drink Buds. there was a lite beer phase. that was when i was packing some extra pounds, which i wanted to get rid off while still getting my beer doses. tasted like water and i just ended up peeing a lot.

now, back in brewer's heaven, i am enjoying the variety of beers in Knoxville. i've taken a liking in Marble City's Dad's Dime Amber Ale. it tastes crisp, smooth and delicious. i also like Woodruff Brewing Company's Nut Brown Ale -- full-bodied and just the right hint of sweetness. (sorry, i'm not a pro beer critic. i just love 'em!)

of course, this weekend wasn't about satisfying the "beer connoisseur" in me. it was just about a bunch of guys, hanging out to watch some games. i think we had a Budweiser keg. i don't know. i didn't really care that much about the beer, until i've had to deal with Monday's hangover. LOL

Monday, October 24, 2011

beers and balls weekend

so... instead of the Wahoo Zip weekend or the Funtime Getaway i had been pining for, i ended up with a couple of drinking buddies, at someone's pad, on an overnight beers and balls binge.

one of our 'mates' was -- yep, you guessed it -- oz and so rabid about the 2011 Rugby World Cup . we headed for a kegger at his place and watched the World Series first. (go St. Louis!!!) the Rugby World Cup didn't come on till about 4AM!!! i think he got live feed via pay-per-view. i don't have this on cable.

it was the All Blacks versus the French (forgot what their team's called -- always called them the French.) our host was for the All Blacks. i was rooting for them too. i watched a couple of games during the semis and they were good. another buddy of ours was for the French. he said he was part French, if having a Frenchman who lived in Madagascar as a distant great grandfather really qualifies him as part-French. he only knows to say Sacre Bleu and a dirty French word, and hasn't even stepped a foot in Europe. anyway, whatever floats his boat. his team lost anyway. 8-7 for the the All Blacks.

critics say this was a so-so win for the All Blacks, that the French played a better game. i say defense is a huge part of the game and the All Blacks' defense was solid, almost impenetrable. have to admit though, the best moment during the game was when the team captain of the French touched down on the 2nd half. that was awesome.

this was a good weekend. i may not have Wahooed or let loose with my friends at Funtime Getaways; but it was good clean fun with my buddies. quite tired and still drunk right now. our binge ended at about 12nn Sunday. that's a lot of beer, and a lot to recover from for Monday's work. catch you in bit. i am looking forward to this week. work, gym (and maybe running into my crush), and next weekend's Halloween.

Friday, October 21, 2011

long day

i'm starting my day with this blog. yesterday was a long day at work. it was pay day, hooray, but still long. i didn't have time to do much with the cash i got, except to buy myself some milk on the way home.

hopefully, it'll be different today. i expect some more of the same problems like yesterday. but you know about Fridays -- it's when employees slack off. i won't be slacking off (i can't!) but hopefully the whining from our more demanding customers would.

i plan on going to Pilot Light tonight with some buddies. Stolen Sheep is playing. i've only seen them a couple of times. they're a rock and roll band that does covers and some originals. they remind me of 90s bands, like the Gin Blossoms. i haven't decided if i like them yet. tonight will be just about giving them another listen.

and yes, hopefully, i'll meet a girl and we'll Wahoo this weekend ;) actually, i already have a girl in mind. i met her at Crossfit Ktown and would run into each other every now and then. i'll drop by at the gym this saturday and let's see if i can get an impromptu date. wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

crossfit in Knoxville

had time to pass by the gym today for a WOD (workout of the day). i do crossfit at Crossfit Ktown, over at Morris Ave. for the uninitiated, crossfit is a brand of exercise system that mixes different types of exercises to improve your strength, power and stamina. here's a little more about it according to Wiki.

i'm actually fairly new to the exercise. i used to just mess around with free weights, and do some cardio training in between. my routine is pretty hard and i'm quite strong. i run at least 5k as warm up on weightlifting days; then i lift. on cardio days, i do a mix of cardio blasts and plyometrics. i signed up with a trainer just a few months ago, and he was brutal with the routine he made for me. before crossfit, i thought no exercise can jolt my body again. yey for crossfit!

i also happened by this website a while ago: Fit2Fat2Fit; and promptly bookmarked the site. can you believe this guy? i don't really like gawking at public spectacles like his. i'm not a fan of reality shows, except for the Amazing Race. i'm a fitness buff but i've only watched half an episode of the Biggest Loser. but this guy, i just have to see.

most of my curiosity is about whether he can really trim down in 6 months. gaining weight and letting go are easy. acquiring bad habits and food preferences, easy... but going back to the same health level after you've nosedived physically, ummmmm. i think there's some arrogance there on his part.

for one thing, he risked his health when he started this fit2fat routine. eating too much of the bad stuff within a six month period has got to take some toll. just look at that Spurlock guy in Supersize Me. and if i remember correctly, Spurlock only did his McD diet for a month.

and he will be risking his health when he starts his fat2fit. come on! six months? fitness experts have long criticized the Biggest Loser for its unhealthy rate of losing weight. just too much, too soon. i don't doubt that with some effort, he can trim down. but to be back at peak health? i don't think so.

of course, no one's perfect. i, for one, passed by Savelli's Italian, over at Sutherland Ave, for some marinara pasta, with meatballs on top. ooops. there goes the calories :)

tomato head

that's what you can call me tonight. hey, tomato head!

yeah, you guessed it. extended work hours (we finished at 1AM), we were all hungry so we made the last call to Tomato Head over at Market Square. Two 14-inches pizzas, both Tomato Head's number 2, the one with bacon, ham and sausage. Jason wanted extra cheese on the side, and topped his slices with shredded cheddar. his pizzas overflowed with cheese. i'm like, "dude, you're ruining the taste of the pizza!" if it was just him, he would've gotten an all cheese. dunno if they have those at TH.

i am so looking forward to the weekend. it's only Tuesdays and my eyes are already strained from staring at the computer too much. work's fine. my eyes just feel tired all of the time. and i've tried those natural stuff --- those i can stand doing, at least. i've had cucumbers and tea bags (no dirty jokes please!) on my eyes.

i'm thinking of either going to Wahoo Zip over at Sevierville, or maybe joining my group Funtime Getaways this weekend. i'm not sure if funtime has anything scheduled though. and Wahoo would be better with a date. i bought two coupons. i suppose my next few blogs would be about that -- the Tomato Head's quest for a weekend date -- if i do get the time for it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

lifestyle check

went back to work today, and it felt like i'm being eaten up again. don't get me wrong, i love my work. i like what i get to do everyday and get paid for. it's just that, as in every business, the soul of it gets drowned out by trivialities. whining customers with problems they can solve for themselves, if they would just stop and think. reporting backlogs and stuff like that. can't i just sit down and code?

of course, i do not want to start my work week this way. i had a good laid-back weekend, after all. maybe i got used to that pace, that peace. lol.

anyway, one of the first things that i dealt with today was my chatty co-worker who just wouldn't shut up about this couple she met at the bar. the two intimated with her that they were into nudism, and were looking around for venues in Knoxville. my co-worker (not to name names, and not wanting to call her names lol) almost choked on her cranberry vodka. she was appalled to have been asked by them -- as if.

i wished i was in her place instead. i would have been more helpful and non-judgmental. actually, i dabble into a little nudism too. i'm with Funtime Getaways.

i'm into it because it feels good. it's more natural -- if there is such a thing. i feel less cluttered and freer. of course, i'm sure many would sneer at this. many think there there's immediately a sexual angle in becoming a nudist. that's actually one of the major misconception to this lifestyle. here's a pretty good article about it:

i sure the couple coped well with my co-worker's rebuff. they should be used to that by now. i just wished they'd asked someone more open, and didn't have to put their lifestyle choice in check.

Monday, October 17, 2011

weekend whoopee

ok, so my weekend whoopee isn't the hot kind of whoopee we all presumably want every so often. still, it was fun. i had a surprisingly laid back weekend, something i haven't had for the longest time. work at this IT company has been a buzz kill for months now. this weekend was a welcome change of pace.

it started the usual way -- coffee, gym and brunch. coffee = espresso and peanut butter cups at Coffee & Chocolate. hey, i spent two hours at the gym after anyway ;)

brunch was a short drive to Szechuan Garden along Chapman Highway. i know there are other food places at Market Square, and i know that brunch seems too early for Chinese. i guess i'm having one of those man-days or whatever you call it. (i read somewhere that men get hormonal urges too, much like women get PMS, albeit inconsistently). i just felt like some general tso's chicken and hot and sour soup. and man, Szechuan is probably the best in Knox... here's a review about them.

i spend some time here, then drive back northwards to the Bicentennial Park just to hang for a bit. i like walking around the park, staring at nothing. gazing up the sky. gazing at trees, at the river. anything. it calms me to not have to work with the computer -- and all else attached to it -- for a while. there are serene spots that i return to whenever i can.

i was hungry after a couple of hours so i move next door to Calhoun's On the River. we here at Knoxville are serious about our bbqs and i have to say Calhoun's has arguably the best ribs in the city. i would say mine's better but who am i kidding. capped the day with a slab and a couple of beers.

this totally comes off as a man-date with myself. i guess it's the loner in me wanting to get lost in this city i know so well. i had my phone turned off. nobody bugged me about some server problem or another client acting up. it was the first real weekend i've had in a long time.

actually, i want to go back about capping my day with ribs and beers. i gave in and went online once i got home. i caught this pretty good deal on Living Social -- a discounted ride at Wahoo Zip. bought for two so let's see if i can find a weekend date soon. else, i'd go twice ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hello from Seymour!

Ok, so this will be my first post in here, my first personal blog. I've just gotten back from traveling around the country and some parts of Asia. I was born and lived most of my life in Seymour, TN. Now, I'm back. It's been about 4 years since. In putting together a new settled life here, I've gone through a rediscovery, of sorts. This is home, a place I know like the back of my hand. And yet, I am finding new places, new activities and new friends. I love it! I love my life here in Seymour! This blog will be about that rediscovery. I will talk about some of my favorite places here and downtown. I will probably tease you with some food porn. (We are serious about our BBQs!) I will talk of trips and people, and all that. I have a good life here and I want to share it. See you around!