ohhkay. it's been a hard weekend... till today actually. just received heavy news from the office. by the sound of it, the hard economic times are catching up on lil ol me. i suppose i should've expected that. life ain't supposed to be easy... especially now.
still, i am hoping for the best. i am still seeking good times. still looking for the silver lining amid shaky footing. i am hoping for the best.
it helps that i have my girlfriend with me. we'd gotten closer in the last few weeks. i guess it's getting serious. i still intend to bring her to Funtime Getaways though. if she can accept that side of me -- the fun-seeking and adventurous side -- she has me, all of me. and i don't know to seek anything more from a partner.
uh oh. did i just say that? good thing she doesn't read my blog. i don't want her freaking out just because i'm getting all serious about her.
i think it's just my mindset right now. with some threats lurking, i seek those who can comfort me. and i cling on them some more. i hope i don't get too clingy. that's a turn-off for me. it might be a turn-off for her too.
for now, let me just look forward to spending more time with her and maybe introducing her to my favorite people at Funtime Getaways. i have some worries, but let's forget that for now and focus. on love and a good future...